Chair Person – Principal
Chief Advisor – Dr. Subash Chandran M P
Librarian – Mrs. Rajeswari M V
Asst.Librarian – Mrs Bindhu V
Library faculty incharge – Dr. Sreelekshmi R S Mrs. Varsha V R
Members :- Ms. Aswini B S (5th year Pharm D student), Ms. Surya S (7th Sem B. Pharm student), Divya S Nair ( 3rd Sem M.Pharm)
Capacity of Library:
Total Area of the Library 167.23 Sq. Mts
Seating Capacity 50
Library Working Hours:
On Working Days 9am-4pm
Reference books-905
Current Journals-30
National journals-20
International journals-1
Students on receiving the books at the counter must report any damage in the book to the librarian before they leave. Failure to do so will render them liable for any damage that may be detected afterwards. Students shall not sub- lend books to others. Strict silence should be maintained in the library. Violation of the rule may lead to the forfeiture of the privilege of using library.